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Prohibiting phase sequences

Due to various regulatory reasons, some phase sequnces are considered “undesired” or completely prohibited. Green Traffic Software allows the possibility to disallow any phase sequences for the coordination process.

  • Move the mouse pointer over the intersection cycle length. 
    The blue valve would appear.

  • Press it

  • In the popup menu, click the phase sequence/s you want to forbid. 


Note that prohibiting one or more phase sequences may dramatically decrease the maximal total bandwidth (or may not).

All phases are permitted

All phase sequences allowed in the 5th intersection. GTS chose Lead/Lag, providing a maximal sum bandwidth of 𝟐𝟗 𝐬.

Coordination with prohibited phase

Lead/Lag is forbidden, and the maximal sum bandwidth decreases to 21 s. You can forbid any combination of phase sequences for any set of intersections in your arterial.

  • Press the button “Calculate” and see the Arterial Portrait

  • Click any dark asterisk in it.
    You get everything you need for coordination: the corresponding Time-Space Diagram, all offsets and phase sequences.

You can forbid any combination of phase sequences for any subset of intersections in your arterial. Available in demo mode.

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