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Our publications

Optimizing bus traffic with Green Traffic Software


A new method for optimizing the coordination of traffic lights (organization of green waves) for bus routes using Green Traffic Software is described.

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Phase splitting in Green Wave optimization

Technical report

We explore the splitting idea proposed by two groups of researchers as a means to increase the green wave bandwidths. We found out that, indeed, splitting improves coordination significantly, but only in very special cases.

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To partition or not to partition. Case study: Fort Worth, TX, USA: 33 intersections in North Beach Street


Three green wave plans for North Beach Street in Fort Worth are compared. Two of them, created by well-know agencies, are developed within the framework of the partition concept, when the arterial is split into parts, each of which is coordinated independently. The third plan of coordinating the 33-intersection arterial as a whole is a product of a Bulgarian startup Green Traffic Software. Partition methods are often used when traditional coordination algorithms fail to find two-way green waves along the entire arterial. GTS offers the alternative to partition, based on the most modern optimization methods.

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Reducing vehicle engine emissions by means of additional green wave optimisation


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Green Traffic Software as a test tool

Technical report

When choosing traffic optimization software for your municipality, you may want to test it to know how useful it is in preparing traffic control plans. We here propose a test plan and illustrate its use with two examples.

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Green waves in long arterials: Green Traffic Software vs partition


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Green wave: how to compare a bad solution with a worst one


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Some plots to “Green Traffic Software for long arterials coordinating and/or their partitioning”

Experiment findings

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Green Traffic Software for long arterials coordinating and/or their partitioning. The full version.

Technical report

It is widely believed that to coordinate arterials with a large number of intersections is so difficult that there is no sense even to try. We show that that is not so hard while using Green Traffic Software. To find out whether a single green wave through the long arterial or a set of short green waves for several arterial parts is better in the particular case one needs to assess the coordination potentials both of the entire arterial and of its parts. Incorrect calculation of maximal possible bandwidths can lead to a wrong decision. Green Traffic Software helps to avoid this trouble. It finds green wave solutions whenever they exist, produces a complete set of possible pairs of opposite bandwidths and shows them in one chart. The user can get the time-space diagram for any pair of his choice, in one click.

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Analyzing Time-Space Diagrams published without numerical data. How we do that


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Green Traffic Software for long arterials coordinating and/or their partitioning


It is widely believed that to coordinate arterials with a large number of intersections is so difficult that there is no sense even to try. We show that that is not so hard while using Green Traffic Software. To find out whether a single green wave through the long arterial or a set of short green waves for several arterial parts is better in the particular case one needs to assess the coordination potentials both of the entire arterial and of its parts. Incorrect calculation of maximal possible bandwidths can lead to a wrong decision. Green Traffic Software helps to avoid this trouble. It finds green wave solutions whenever they exist, produces a complete set of possible pairs of opposite bandwidths and shows them in one chart. The user can get the time-space diagram for any pair of his choice, in one click.

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Arterial portraits for a long arterial


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Arterial portraits


Method of representing the internal arterial structure in the means of coordination

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Arterial coordination as a means to reduce daily vehicular emissions


We have analysed the signal coordination along the segment of the arterial Todor Aleksandrov - Tzaritza Ioanna boulevards, from Ploshtad Nezavisimost to the intersection with Pancho Vladigerov boulevard. We have found out that two groups of intersections in it are coordinated while the other intersections are not. As a result, the whole arterial is not coordinated. Using Green Traffic Software (GTS) we’ve evaluated the efficiency of the current timing plan and developed a more effective plan. It provides a lower average number of vehicle stops at the intersections and reduces the total engine emissions, the latter being of particular interest in Sofia. Unlike the current plan, it produces a non-zero bandwidth along the whole arterial, in the priority direction. We limit ourselves with CO2 emissions though GTS can be used for any other sort of emissions.

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Green Traffic Software: Arterial Portraits and Urban Signal Coordination, aka Green Wave


Green Traffic software provides an arterial portrait that is a comprehensive picture of all possible pairs of opposite bandwidths for the particular arterial. The user gets an appropriate timing plan for any pair of his/her choice. In this report we show how it works. We use four study cases described in literature in order to compare the Green Traffic results with those provided by other algorithms.

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